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HomeMembership Benefits
Diablo Woodworkers Launch Plans for Growth
Since the Diablo Woodworkers was founded in 1997, the club's roster has grown to more than 100. It's established a school that's trained hundreds of amateur woodworkers, provided community services, engaged nationally recognized speakers, awarded scholarships and more. We're still growing and the board of directors sees this as the time to prepare for the future.

First on the list, the Diablo Woodworkers has become a California nonprofit corporation, recognized as tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. This means we have a mission that benefits the general public. In our case, that's preserving, teaching and fostering appreciation for the skills of woodworking.

After a year of studying the pros and cons of more formally organizing the club, the board determined that becoming a 501(c)(3) held considerable benefits. Among them:
•   Obtain better liability protection for the club members and visitors.
•   Offer tax deductible receipts for donations.
•   Appeal to large vendors who can only donate to tax-deductible organizations.

Second is an ambitious plan to grow Diablo Woodworkers and the resources it provides to the community.
While some are still tentative, future plans on the table for members include:
•   A more feature-rich website, that can offer forums, videos, blogs and enhanced member-only sections.
•   Expand our community projects with city libraries, scouting programs and school programs.
•   Hands-on seminars with recognized professionals and subjects not offered at our school.
•   Celebrity speaker programs.

Member Benefits

  • Access to Members Only section of the Diablo Woodworkers website, including:
    • Access to Membership Directory
    • Access to Forums for tool sales, woodworking questions, and other subject matter based on member interest. For example, members will get first notice of sales of tools, wood, and related items. Members can post items for sale to other members and secondarily to nonmembers.
    • Access to information on club committees.
    • Access to club documents (e.g., Board meeting agendas and minutes).
  • Receive a monthly newsletter with club news, upcoming events, member show and tell projects, and more. Newsletters will also be posted on the website for public access.
  • A virtual membership card can be downloaded (jpg or pdf) from our website to provide proof of membership at participating businesses that offer vendor discounts to club members.
  • Create a Bio Page containing information you would like top share and make accessible to other members.
  • Create your own personal photo albums that can be shared with other members, the public, and with supported social media. Members can list their albums on their Bio Page.
  • Receive first notification of opportunities to become involved in various club activities, including volunteering for Community Projects, the Flag Case Project, planning of club social events, and many other club efforts.
Diablo Woodworkers (DWW) has a close association with the Pleasant Hill Education Center, one of several campuses of the Mount Diablo Adult Education Program under the Mount Diablo School District. The Pleasant Hill campus has a large woodworking shop that is used for woodworking classes taught by DWW members and others, as well as for DWW community projects and projects for the annual crafts fair.

•    Diablo Woodworkers (DWW) conducts monthly meetings, either in-person or via zoom, at the Pleasant Hill Education Center or online, with guest speakers drawn from local as well as national experts, show and tell opportunities for members' projects, and updates on current club activities.
•    Monthly shop tours are offered to members, some in-person and some via Zoom. Tours are conducted with participating members and with local commercial shops.
•    Members and their guests can attend the DWW annual summer barbecue at a local park.
•    Members and their guests can attend an annual pot luck Holiday Party hosted by DWW.
•    Periodic tool sales are offered by DWW for power and hand tools donated to the club. Members get the first chance to purchase tools. NOTE: donations are tax-deductible.

A monthly newsletter is distributed with club information and members' show and tell projects highlighted.